
Agroprodex is a major supplier of this legume and cover the needs of the domestic market. The package is in 1kg bag.


Chickpeas contain a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They also have dietary fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Being a hard grain requires soak in water and a long cooking time.

Nutritional Information

1 serving: 1/3 Cup ( 60g Approx. )
Servings per package: 17

Components 100g 1 portion
Energy (kcal) 304 183
Proteins (g) 18,7 11,2
Total Fat (g) 4,9 2,9
Saturated Fat 0,6 0,4
Monounsaturated Fat 1,3 0,8
Polyunsaturated Fat    3,0 1,7
Trans. Fat 0 0
Cholesterol 0 0
Carbohidrates (g) 46,6 28,0
Total sugars (g) 6,6 3,96
Sodium (mg) 6,7 4,0